Buena Vista, CO Elk Hunting
There is nothing more exciting than hearing the bugling of a bull elk at first dawn or spotting and stalking a herd above timberline. Despite their size, – bulls which weigh about 800lbs, and cows which weigh about 500lbs – elk can be difficult to harvest in Colorado’s high country. This elusiveness makes elk hunting one of the most exciting hunting sports in America.
We offer pack-in horseback hunts conducted in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Area in Unit 481 and the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Area in Unit 49 near Buena Vista. We also offer quality hunts in Unit 57 where our comfortable camps and pleasant staff make it easy for you to relax and enjoy your time hunting in some of Colorado’s most beautiful elk hunting areas. Our elk hunting trips also include delicious home-style cooked meals.
Licenses for Unit 481, Unit 49 and Unit 57 must be applied for in early April. Although this requires early planning, it proves beneficial during the elk hunting season as it limits the number of hunters in the field and thus the bull-to-cow ratio remains high. Join us on a elk hunting trip and experience a one of a kind big game hunt in central Colorado.
I have had occasion to use Joe Boucher for three different types of adventures - a guided bull elk hunt, an unguided drop camp bull elk hunt, and a summer horseback pack-in trip. Every trip has been a great time. My family really enjoyed the summer pack-in trip in a beautiful wilderness area with comfortable accommodations and good food. On the guided hunt I killed a nice 6x6 bull, and on the unguided hunt I killed a nice 5x5 bull. One thing that I have appreciated about Joe is that he asks sincerely what I would like to do and tailors the trip accordingly, which makes for a very nice trip. Another thing that I have appreciated is that on each of the two hunting trips, I had different non-hunting related issues that came up, and Joe took care of the issues for me without complaining or even acting like it was a bother. To the contrary, I believe that is just the way Joe takes care of his guests. I strongly recommend Joe Boucher and Horn Fork Guides.
- Todd T. Taylor
Hundreds of miles of horse trails and 17 wilderness camps in prime Elk, Mule Deer and Trout territory.

Operating on the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness under a special use permit from the US Forest Service. An Equal Opportunity Provider. Bonded and Insured.