We offer professionally guided fair chase hunting in prime big game hunting areas of Colorado. Our Colorado Rocky Mountain hunting trips include elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and mountain lion.
“Horn Fork Guides” is an honest, hard-working outfit that strives to provide the highest quality hunts and western experiences available in the Colorado Rocky Mountain area. Our goal is to send every hunter home with great memories and the Colorado trophy of his or her dreams. After reading our information, we encourage you to give us a phone call to personally discuss any questions you may have about our services. It would be our sincere pleasure to outfit your next hunt!

I first met Joe Boucher shortly after winning the raffle license for mountain goat administered by the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society. After a couple of conversations with Joe, I took him up on his offer to provide guide services to assist me on my hunt. Joe impressed me with his knowledge of the area we hunted and the game we pursued. He provided a comfortable camp, good food and some of the finest mountain stock that I have ever ridden. On our second day of hunting, after a long climb, I shot a very nice 9+ inch billy just before sunset. Since I wanted a full body mount of my mountain goat, Joe skinned the billy in the dark and we loaded our packs for the hike down the mountain with all the meat and the hide. We arrived back at the tent at 4:30am. That is when I realized that Joe Boucher would do anything within his control to make the trip a success for his client.
- Joe Toy, Indiana
Hundreds of miles of horse trails and 17 wilderness camps in prime Elk, Mule Deer and Trout territory.

Operating on the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness under a special use permit from the US Forest Service. An Equal Opportunity Provider. Bonded and Insured.