Horn Fork Guides would like to invite you to join them for a big game hunt in Buena Vista Colorado. Horn Fork Guides has been guiding for over thirty years and during this time, we have successfully guided hundreds of hunters to elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and mountain lions, including many Governors Tag holders for bighorn sheep and mountain goats.
Through our many years of guiding in central Colorado, we have intimately learned the areas we hunt, as well as the best tactics, times, and gear to use to successfully harvest your trophy. We take great pride in going the extra mile to ensure that each hunter has the best hunt possible. We look forward to you coming and joining us for the hunt of a lifetime!
Horn Fork Guides is a permittee of the San Isabel National Forest, and all or part of this operation is conducted on public land under special permit from the United States Bureau of Land Management.
Hundreds of miles of horse trails and 17 wilderness camps in prime Elk, Mule Deer and Trout territory.

Operating on the White River National Forest and the Flat Tops Wilderness under a special use permit from the US Forest Service. An Equal Opportunity Provider. Bonded and Insured.